Cool Concept

Cool Concept is a talk series about design-y passion projects. We highlight creatives and their personal, non-client projects and give them space to share their work and ideas with the world.

Passion projects are where creatives often do their most thoughtful, conceptual work, since they’re not hemmed in by client preferences, timelines, or budgets. Our mission is to bring attention to these creatives and their ideas, who often otherwise go unseen.

Apply to speak at Cool Concept

Next Event

Check back soon for the next Cool Concept, and sign up for our newsletter to be informed when it's announced.
Industry awards and publications do a fine job of sharing great corporate work. We're here to celebrate great work that creatives conceived of and built on their own.

Diamonds in the rough

This industry is good at awarding good client work - but you only get to make that good client work if you're lucky enough to work for the cool agency with the cool client who's open to doing something different. There are many talented designers out there, but very few of those opportunities. Hence, you have a lot of talent that's buried under layers of social posts and email templates. We highlight these designers and share their incredible non-client work with the world.

Upcoming & Previous Talks

November 21, 2019

Cool Concept 7

Jacqueline Lai
Jesse Watson
Emily Woudenberg

September 12, 2019

Cool Concept 6

Nicola Hamilton & LeeAndra Cianci
Matt Smith-Johnson
Cat Lamora

July 11, 2019

Cool Concept 5

Jennifer Phelan
Dominic Ayre
Emily May Rose

February 28, 2019

Cool Concept 4

Mike Lopez
Annyen Lam
Kaila & Michael Jacques

November 1, 2018

Cool Concept 3

Maegan Fidelino
Rob Shostak
Matt Greenwood

August 23, 2018

Cool Concept 2

Blair Thomson
Andrew Foerster

April 6, 2018

Cool Concept 1

Fidel Pena
Marissa Korda
Equal Parts Studio

Speak at Cool Concept

Cool Concept is a talk series about non-client creative passion projects. We're looking for unique projects, interesting stories, and new perspectives. Cool Concept talks feature projects that took months or years to complete, or required the artist to learn new tools and be creative in a different way, or help the designer understand and process an emotional experience. The best projects are ones that help and inspire people.

Tell us the story about what you've created, and include a little information about yourself and why you did the work. We'll be in touch if we think your project is a good fit.
who you are
what you did
why you did it
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