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Add your Event

Submit your event to the TDD Event Calendar for consideration. Please read the guidelines below to ensure you submission is accepted and your event gets listed.
1) We post events such as conferences and talks, workshops, networking events and parties, and art shows. If you're unsure if your listing is appropriate, submit via the form below and find out.

2) Events must be oriented towards professional graphic designers, advertising creatives, and visual artists. This includes the content; a painting workshop will be accepted, a seminar on timeshares targeted at artists will not be.

3) Events can be in-person and online. If online, the content must still be relevant to our Toronto design and arts community. If in-person, events must be held within Toronto.

4) Posting events to the calendar is free, but paid advertising options may be available in the future. Check the box below if you're interested in hearing about that in the future.
If you have a lot of events you'd like to add, contact us about sharing a CSV instead.

If your event doesn't appear within 3 - 5 business days, it likely wasn't accepted for meeting the right criteria. Check the Calendar first to see if your event is live before emailing again.

If you want to get involved in TDD events, businesses can partner with us, and individuals can volunteer.
Event Title*
Event Organizer*
The organization or business behind the event. Not the venue.
Your Email*
Event Dates*
If your event is one day, enter that date below.
If your event is multiple days, enter the start date below.
If your event is multiple days, enter the end date below.
Event URL*
Link to where people can learn more, RSVP, or buy tickets.
Event Image*
The photo, poster, or key art for your event. Input the URL to where we can download your image. (Google Drive, Dropbox, We Transfer links ↗ accepted)  1080 x 1080 pixels, 5Mb max, PNG or JPG only.
Event Description*
200 characters max
* All fields are required.
Your submission has been received. If your event is approved, it will appear on the calendar within 3 - 5 business days. You will not receive an email when it's live.
Submit another event
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Event Title

Event Organizer
Event description. This can be up to 200 characters.